Saturday 12 December 2015

Types of Research: Quantitative Research (Readership Circulation Figures)

What are Readership Circulation Figures?

- A circulation through newspapers is the overall number of copies in which it distributes on an average day. Circulation is one of the many principal factors which are used to set the advertising rates. Circulations aren't always the same as copies sold, often called paid circulation, depending on whether newspapers are distributed without cost to readers.

As for Fivestar this would be relevant as it shows and reviews of production and advertisements.

- The purpose of Readership Circulation Figures would have to be that companies who are providing information to these Newspaper articles are simply just getting information out there to the public. With this anyone wanting to gather certain information related to a certain subject would be able to gather research within newspapers.

Image result for newspaper circulation


"Newspaper Circulation". N.p., 2016. Web. 12 Dec. 2016.

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