Sunday 20 December 2015

Methods and Sources of Research: Primary Research (Surveys)

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What is a Survey?

Image result for surveys- A survey is simply another method of primary research, this is similar to a questionnaire. Some surveys can be conducted online which expands on the amount of respondents in which the researcher can receive. However, surveys are more likely to be a quicker way of gathering quantitative data as they focus on capturing closed questions. 

What is the purpose?

The survey is designed to define and measure the quality of Library services. It measures users' perceptions of service quality and identifies gaps between minimum, desired, and perceived service levels. For a short film creator I feel using this form of primary research would be a good way of constructing a well built field of relevant information in which would help with the construction of any short film as long as the information which is gathered is applied to it correctly. 


"Survey - Definition Of Survey In English | Oxford Dictionaries". Oxford Dictionaries | English. Web. 20 Dec. 2015.

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