Sunday 20 December 2015

Methods and Sources of Research: Primary Research (Focus Groups)

Focus groups:

Image result for focus groupWhat is a focus group?

- A focus group is a small group in which are arranged to discuss a certain subject or matter.
- They also can discuss problem solving issues such as; idea generation or forecasting techniques where several experts or informed individuals share their POV (Point of view) within a specific topic in which maybe they are specialised in. 

What is the main purpose of using a focus group?

- The purpose of a focus group is to draw upon research and gather the respondents attitudes, feelings, beliefs, experiences and reactions in a way which you wouldn't be able to gather it using other methods for example; observations, one-to-one interviewing, or questionnaires/ surveys. 
- Within a short film production, a writer or director could potentially arrange a focus group which would consist of maybe 4-15 people which consists of their target audience who have seen it to therefore be able to receive valid feedback on the matter, with this they will be able to provide personal responses in which they liked and disliked about the short film which was shown to them. 

Image result for focus group


"Which Of Your Friends Needs To Learn This Term?". Web. 20 Dec. 2015.

"Which Of Your Friends Needs To Learn This Term?". Web. 20 Dec. 2015.

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