Saturday 19 December 2015

Methods and Sources of Research: Secondary Research (Worldwide Web)

Worldwide web:

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What is the Worldwide Web?

- The Worldwide web (WWW) is a source which holds masses of information space where documents and other web resources which are identified as URLs, interlinked by hypertext links. This can be accessed via the Internet. This has simply become known as the Web.

What is the Web's purpose?

- The web was generally created for the distribution of mass information. 

Image result for worldwide web- A more detailed answer would be that it was created to help bring many people together and to provide information as well as entertainment to the people who choose to use it.
- It can also be useful in collecting information which could be needed to help provide information on short films. For producers and directors this would be great as they could research short films which are similar to their own, this will help with discovering improvements and amendments in which they could do to their own film. 

When conducting further research into the internet and how it helps short film creators etc. This is what I found:

Internet -

The internet shares a ton of secondary research about forms of creating short films and how they are written etc. Shortofstories was one of the webpages at which I came across while researching short films. Within the webpage the writer shares details about short films in different ways. The writer continues to mention how important researching important information is and how much time you should put into research. The writer states "I can’t reinforce properly how important a decent research is, because the opposite may put your film down instantly. Why? Plausibility. This is the reason why you should develop your research and your characters with the same effort as if you were writing a feature film." This generally shows how your short film could go if you don't put time and effort into your short film. This evidence is useful for short film producers due to it showing the importance of it all.


"World Wide Web". N.p., 2017. Web. 25 Jan. 2017.

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