Thursday 17 December 2015

Methods and Sources of Research: Secondary Research (Reference-based Books & Directories)

Reference-based books:

What is a Reference-based book?

- This is an Atlas, dictionary, director, encyclopedia, handbook, thesaurus or any other work which is designed for the use in finding specific information rather than to just cover to cover reading. 
- A briefer explanation would be that it is a book which has included useful facts or organised information as an encyclopedia, dictionary etc. 

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What is the purpose?

- The purpose of a reference-based book is to be able to give knowledge to the reader on any specific information at which they are trying to find, for example a definition would be found in a dictionary. This is a fast and effective way in easily obtaining information, this would also be useful in gathering any relevant information needed to provide support in the creation of short films. This is relevant for anyone in the media industry who requires information along the relevant terms which could be found within a reference-based book. 


What is this?

- This is a book or website which lists individuals or organisations in an alphabetic order or thematically with the details such as names, addresses and even telephone numbers.

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What is the purpose for this?

The purpose of a directory would be that it provides useful information whether it be about a short film or a holiday, also providing information on academic organisations and individuals. A place where ideas are shared, this can be useful in gathering information on short films and the topic at which it would be based upon. Information gathered here where you would not find elsewhere. Short film producers also will be able to find and contact important people which they may require information etc. this would be as the directory would have this information stored. 


"What Is Reference Book? Definition And Meaning". Web. 17 Dec. 2015.

"The Definition Of Reference Book". Web. 17 Dec. 2015.

"Directory - Definition Of Directory In English | Oxford Dictionaries". Oxford Dictionaries | English. Web. 17 Dec. 2015.

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