Thursday 17 December 2015

Methods and Sources of Research: Secondary Research (Books)


- A book is a set of written/ printed and or illustrated, blank sheets which are made of paper and consist of information which is generally based upon a major subject perhaps it could be about the 'social activities which are available for citizens in the Banstead area'. 
Search - "Short Films: Writing the Screenplay" - run a key word search for research

Patrick Nash - 2012

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Use book to explain how you have used secondary sources to discuss the importance of research in the production of short films

Within the book I had came across a paragraph labelled Research, "Live Life and watch Short Films" this paragraph explains how to improve your intelligence towards short films whether it be to understand your competitors or to get a clear understanding of a different variety of short films. Patrick Nash states that "If you intend to write a short screenplay or direct a short film it's essential that you watch as many short films as possible. Check out the competition. Study what everyone else is doing and you'll quickly realise just how common many of these cliches are. Search for new things to write about. Find original stories or new ways to tell old ones and avoid cliche." (P.N/a,2012) This information clearly shows the importance and time at which is needed to be put into the creation of a short film. Also all this information is relevant and pointed towards a short film producer and how they sho
uld choose to divide their thoughts of short films and make something not thought of before. 

When conducting further research into Books and the importance about them when it comes to short films this is what I found:


Book 1 - Producing and Directing the Short Film and Video by Peter Rea, David K, Irving

- In the book I am researching I have come across a paragraph labelled "Do Your Research". Within this paragraph it shows the importance in how you fund your short film. It mentions how other short film companies have come across funding their short films. To be precise Rea et al states that, "the internet has proved helpful through crowd funding platforms such as Kickstarter and Indiegogo". Rea et al also mention how the short film companies have managed their budget/ income: "Since the launch of Kickstarter in 2009, 5.7 million people have pledged $994 million, funding 56,000 creative projects" (P.37,2015). This would be useful to short film producers as they don't have a budget to work with or the backing of a major studio like featured films do.

Book 2 - Writing the Short Film by Patricia Cooper, Ken Dancyger

- In this book I am researching, I have found a paragraph which is labelled "The importance of Research". Within the paragraph it shows that in order to be successful you must be able to have a clear understanding of the craft of writing but as well as that be a student of human behavior. This is mentioned within the book by Cooper et al who state, "It should be clear by this point that the writer not only must have a clear understanding of the craft of writing, but also should be a student of human behavior." (P.N/a,2012) This information clearly shows the importance in how deep you must look to unravel the relevant information at which a short film producer could potentially need to acquire. This is relevant to how short film producers would have to dig deep to find the information they need.

Book 3 - Swimming Upstream: A Lifesaving Guide to Short Film Distribution By Sharon Badal

- Within this book I found Sharon Badal had mentioned the best way in which to research a short film supposedly. Sharon Badal had stated that "The best way to research film festivals is to look at these two sites:, an English-speaking company based in Paris, and, an American company with a subsidiary office in London." (P.79,2012) This information shows the importance in secondary research when coming down to researching short films. With the information at which Sharon Badal has shared the creation of a short film would become easier, due to having the appropriate information at which is needed. This is relevant to how short film producers would need information on what is needed in the creation of short films. 

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