Sunday 20 December 2015

Methods and Sources of Research: Primary Research (Interview Techniques)

Interview techniques:

Image result for interview techniques
Firstly, what are interviews?

Formal Interviews:

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- A formal interview is set in a formal even and everything is exceptionally professional throughout the interview. For example, a blockbuster would admission a professional interview as they would want to become successful in the long run. The motivation and point behind this form of interview is to demonstrate to an extent how skilled the company can be to the employee. 

Informal Interviews:

Image result for informal interviews

- This tends to be more chilled and friendly. For instance, the majority of the short films recruit individuals following the guideline as they would be interested in what the employee is offering and evaluating whether he or she is suitable for the particular job role. This generally creates a neutral atmosphere which allows the interviewer to be able to see the true and natural side of the individual as they would be more comfortable in a "chilled and friendly" interview. 

What are Interview Techniques?

- There are different formal methods in which when interviewing, an example for this would be where ensuring each question in which is being asked is simple to understand and shouldn't require any grammar mistakes, this depends upon the individual in which is being interviews since some candidates would be wanted to be taken more seriously/ professionally. Additionally, casual methods for interviewing would be for example making inquiries that would generally have no relevance towards the subject, also not asking questions at a fast paced in order to gather more information in a certain space of time. 
- Interview Techniques are also relevant in terms of being prepared for the interview as the interviewee.

What is the purpose?

- The purpose of having techniques is to be prepared for the interview, whether your the interviewer or the other person in the opposite chair having techniques for the interview allow you to know what your saying and make the interview run smoothly. In terms for a short film creator the relevance to this would be whether they required actors or cameramen for short films and they would be having interviews to hire staff, however if the candidates weren't prepared for the interview then the short film producers would of wasted time as well as resources. 


"Interviewing Techniques And Tips: Putting Your Best Self Forward And Getting The Job". Web. 20 Dec. 2015.

"What Is An Informal Interview?". Reference. Web. 20 Dec. 2015.

"What Is A Formal Interview?". Reference. Web. 20 Dec. 2015.

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