Wednesday 16 December 2015

Types of Research: Qualitative Research (Responses to Advertising Campaigns)

What is an Advertising Campaign?

- An advertising campaign is a series of linked advertisements which have a single themed goal. This is usually broadcasted through vast media channels. Some focus on common themes whereas one or few brands will focus on other areas such as a specific segment of the population. Successful advertising campaigns accomplish far more than sporadic advertising when compared between the two, and has more of a chance to last from a few weeks all the way to months or even years if lucky. 

An example of an Advertising Agency and the responses in which Coca Cola are and will be receiving from their campaign: 


This add is selling the product Coca Cola Zero to the mass market, the ad projects that you can share a drink, on the billboard it says 'try it' and then their is a 'Shazam' app which can be used to then get a free drink later on. It suggests that the next time you're thirsty to "drink the ad". Coca Cola has been around for a century now therefore Coca Cola as a brand aren't threatened of problems involving a restricted life span. 

The message of the advert is conveying joy and happiness when drinking the product, the taste of joy and just a new start and giving energy with every step. This is not just about selling the product but the overall achievements in which have been achieved by Coca Cola.

Coca Cola is aimed towards the mass market as it is consumed from children all the way towards adults. Therefore this shows that the ad is aimed towards all consumers no matter the actual demographic features the consumer may go under. 


"Advertising Campaign". N.p., 2017. Web. 16 Dec. 2015.

"Coca Cola Creates First Ever Drinkable Advertising Campaign". YouTube. N.p., 2017. Web. 16 Dec. 2015.

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