Monday 28 December 2015

Purposes of Research: (Market Research)

Market Research:

Product Market:

- A product market focuses around the qualities of a particular product, this could be things such as researching into innovation, which would affect how it then appeals towards the target audience. An advantage towards product market for short film creators would be that it allows them to identify ideal qualities of products that are desired by their target audience. 
- With a briefer definition this allows you to be able to understand exactly what your customers want, initially enabling you to tailor your products and how they are offering to meet demand which overall gives you a competitive advantage. 

"| Marketingdonut". Web. 28 Dec. 2015.

- A competitive advantage can be gathered through altering products to meet the consumer needs specifically, this will then make it highly more effective in the way of appealing it to the target audience for them to want more. With the right innovation having regular product testings and market research this will allow you to generally be a step ahead on competitors. 
- An advantage to this for short film directors would be that they would have a unique image which could be created through meeting and therefore maintaining their target audiences interests. 

Technologies, Einfolge. "New Product Research". Web. 28 Dec. 2015.
Competitor Analysis:

- A competitor analysis looks at the strengths and weaknesses of the different competitors. This allows short film writers as well as directors to be able to identify any potential opportunities or even threats from competing short films, this therefore providing them with the insight of what they need to meet their target audience. Then generally allowing them to improve their own ideas to allow them to appeal more to their audience. 
Revolvy, LLC. ""Competitor Analysis" On Revolvy.Com". Web. 28 Dec. 2015.
Advertising Placement:

- An advertisement placement consists of a group of specific advertising units which allows them to place their ads using placement targeting. Ad placements tend to be able to cover a large mass area, this could consist of a website or specific ad unit. Paying to get your product or service is a form or marketing within advertising. You can advertise through channels which would then promote high service, products or even ideas. The ad also needs to be clear and in bold to allow it not be missed, it needs to catch the audiences eyes.
- Short film creators can decide whether they would like to advertise specific products which their target audience would be attracted to or already like them are then more likely to come across. An advantage to this potentially would be that they would then be addressing directly to their audience, then avoiding any unnecessary adverting which would be done through placing the advert where their target audience would of most likely been to view it. For audiences who are interested in short films, this could be sites like fanzine websites, adverts which are projected through internet forums etc, also YouTube would be a big hit.
"Ad Placement And How To Create It - Adsense Help". Web. 28 Dec. 2015.
Advertising Effects:
- With advertising effects this allows consumers to be able to view an advert without being forced to give up an early opinion towards it. Viewers would be able to learn more and then choose to evaluate perhaps a short film trailer and or poster if it was to be created to meet their interests, therefore learning it themselves that it is truly 'ideal' for them. This would then influence the success of the product and then hopefully keeping a successful target audience hooked onto the products/ services in which you are offering to them. 

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