Sunday 20 December 2015

Methods and Sources of Research: Primary Research (Questionnaires)


What is a questionnaire?

- This is a set of printed or written questions with a choice of answers which can be chosen, this is usually created for the purpose of a survey or statistical study.
- A questionnaire is a method of primary research that are quick and easy to conduct. Questionnaires are a quicker way of obtaining large amounts of responses from respondents in a short period of time. Questionnaires are a more likely used form of qualitative data as most questionnaires capture open questions. 

- A questionnaire can be seen similar to a survey.

Image result for questionnairesImage result for questionnaires

What's its purpose?

- The purpose of gathering information and opinions on certain subjects is simply to put it to use. For a short film creator this would help fully with gathering information in which would be required in the initial pre production stage of collecting information to put towards the short film. Gathering ideas such as favourite genres, what the public feel the short film should be based on etc.


"Questionnaire - Definition Of Questionnaire In English | Oxford Dictionaries". Oxford Dictionaries | English. Web. 20 Dec. 2015.

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