Thursday 17 December 2015

Methods and Sources of Research: Secondary Research (Journals)


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- A Journal is a particular newspaper or magazine which deals with a certain subject and or professional activity.

- This would benefit a short film producer in the way that if the information from the journal is relevant they would be able to take it themselves and use it to benefit them. 

Image result for journals

With journals you can see a vast amount of different story lines/ abstracts. This is good to relate to your own short films but only to see the differences to make it stand out from the rest. Jacques Lefebvre-Linetzky states her abstract "The trunk the traveler drags along is shown in a variety of powerful shots as he makes his way uphill. It conjures up two familiar myths: Sisyphus and Pandora’s box, which provide interesting clues regarding the symbolic significance of such a voyage." (2014) The use of journals can relate to the use of forums, short film producers can take advantage and see other short films to then relate in some sort of way to get a short film idea, but surely noticing they cannot do the same due to copyright. Also this can be a cheap and highly effective way of researching ideas for short films.

Further research on Journals:

Journals - 

With journals you can see a vast amount of different story lines/ abstracts. This is good to relate to your own short films but only to see the differences to make it stand out from the rest. Jacques Lefebvre-Linetzky states her abstract "The trunk the traveler drags along is shown in a variety of powerful shots as he makes his way uphill. It conjures up two familiar myths: Sisyphus and Pandora’s box, which provide interesting clues regarding the symbolic significance of such a voyage." (2014) The use of journals can relate to the use of forums, short film producers can take advantage and see other short films to then relate in some sort of way to get a short film idea, but surely noticing they cannot do the same due to copyright. Also this can be a cheap and highly effective way of researching ideas for short films.


"Definition Of JOURNAL". N.p., 2017. Web. 17 Dec. 2015.

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