Friday 18 December 2015

Methods and Sources of Research: Secondary Research (Periodicals)


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What is a Periodicals?

- This is a publication which is published regularly through intervals for an indefinite period of time. Examples of periodicals would be magazines, journals and newspapers. 

What is the purpose?

periodical index is a type of reference source that lists periodical articles by subject or author. If you have a topic in mind, a periodical index can help you find articles about that topic. An index will point you to the right periodical, the specific date or issue copy, and even the pages for a specific article. This could also be seen as a place to discuss genres, positions in production as well as a consumer guide to movies. 


"Q. What Is A Periodical / What Are Periodicals ? - Libanswers". N.p., 2017. Web. 17 Dec. 2015.

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