Friday 18 December 2015

Methods and Sources of Research: Secondary Research (Searching Internet Forums)

Searching Internet Forums:

Image result for internet forums

What are Internet Forums?

Image result for internet forums- Internet forums are used as a basic message board where an online discussion takes place where people can hold conversations in the form of messages being posted. They differ from chat room in the fact that messages are often longer than a one line response of text, and these are at least temporarily archived. 

What is the purpose of Internet forums?

- Internet forums are useful in the way that communities can talk to each other for example fans can communicate with each other on how much they like an artist.

- This is also a good way to gather information towards short films in the way that director's and producers can look and have general conversations on the matter of short films and even movie techniques being discussed to figure the best way of developing a short film. 

Further conducted research on forums:

Forums - 

The use of forums allows you to gather the information you need for free. Also when asking questions you get a new and updated answer for example IndieMovieMaker stated "What I have in mind is a gangster-like character (someone who has a lot of control in a town) has captured one of his "minions" and is interrogating him because he did something wrong. That is all I have so far." (2015) With websites such as this people can receive the help they needed, for free. This is a good and intriguing way for short film producers to gather information and fresh ideas on new short films. This is also a fast and effective way in gathering information. Also a good thing about using a forum is that you can always rely on receiving an answer, as I looked through the forum I had noticed many questions we're answered seriously. The purpose of a forum is for people to connect with minded people who are like them. Why not use this in your benefits as a producer.


"Internet Forum". Web. 18 Dec. 2015.

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