Saturday 19 December 2015

Methods and Sources of Research: Secondary Research (Government Statistics)

Government Statistics:

What are Government Statistics?

- GSS stands for the Government Statistical Service this is a community for all civil servants who work in the collection, production and communication of official statistics.
- Government statistics can be published by official agencies or even organisations that would be used to present reliable information about well established conventions. 

What is its purpose?

- The purpose of this official statistics service is to assist organs of the state, businesses, or other organisations/ public in the following;
1. planning
2. decision-making or other actions
3. monitoring or assessment of policies, decision-making or other actions

- The benefit to this for the writer would be that they would be able to write about societal and political issues which can then be publicly discussed, which therefore would lead to them gaining more publicity. 


"Government Statistical Service - GOV.UK". Web. 19 Dec. 2015.

Africa, Statistics. "Purpose Of Official Statistics, And Statistical Principles | Statistics South Africa". Web. 19 Dec. 2015.

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