Sunday 13 December 2015

Types of Research: Qualitative Research (Fanzine Websites)

What is a Fanzine Website?

fanzine is a magazine which fans allows fans of a particular group to publish produced information for the pleasure of others who share the same interest.

How might fanzines help short film producers build larger audiences/communities?

Image result for uncanny website

A website, called Uncanny,  is bringing awareness from others who are potentially fans of the short films which have been made. To find the website listing the ten best science fiction and fantasy shorts on the web use the link provided.

The purpose of fanzine websites are to be able to talk among each other on certain short films and therefore being able to discuss the pros and cons when it comes to the overall film itself. 

The Top then were:

- The Centrifugal Brain Project
The Missing Scarf
Sorry About Tomorrow
The Fabulous Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore
Glory at Sea
The 1up Fever
Requiem for a Robot
Apollo—A 16mm Adventure to the Moon

Image result for vimeo
These can all be accessed by clicking on them and it will take you directly to vimeo.

One way in which the website is advertising for short films is mentioning the short film name and suggesting what they liked particularly about the film. This website allows people to subscribe to then potentially follow and get an understanding of the short films which are being advertised. This is potentially free advertising for the short film producers. 
One example:


If you love Mira Grant’s Newsflesh series, you’ll love Spoiler. Spoiler presents a near–future America after a zombie epidemic. What really struck me was how thoroughly the film delved into the world after the fall in just 17 minutes. They even deal with the bureaucracy that such a world would require. Amazingly well–made, with subtle effects and details that populate the finest storytelling. Little things like doors that seal themselves after an alert is sounded, or self–turning screws, make this the kind of film that you can watch over and over, and discover something every time.
This then increases the amount of potential viewers for the short film industry. 

I searched in the book "fanzines community" to find the information I needed. To find the book use this link; 
Google Books. (2017). The Routledge Companion to Alternative and Community Media. [online] Available at: [Accessed 13 Dec. 2015].

This screenshot shows that fans can get together and talk about the different short films, this is a non-cost effective way of advertising short films for the producers. This also gives producers of short films important information for free on how they could potentially do better in their short films, just by peoples opinions.

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