Saturday 19 December 2015

Methods and Sources of Research: Secondary Research (CD Rom Databases)

CD Rom databases:

What are CD Rom Databases?

- CD Rom databases is short for Compact Disc-Read Only Memory, a CD-ROM is an optical disc containing audio or software data which the memory is read only. A CD-ROM Drive or optical drive is the device which is used to read them. CD-ROM drives have speeds which range from 1x all the way up to 72x. This roughly means that that it reads the CD 72times faster when comparing to the 1x version. These drives are even capable of playing audo CDs as well as reading data CDs.

- In a briefer definition CD Rom databases is a compact disc which is used as a read-only optical memory device which is used for a computer system.

What is the purpose?

- The purpose for someone such as a short film maker/ producer would be that they would be able to gather all of their research electronically rather than paper based as it would reduce the risk of research becoming damaged etc. 


"What Is CD-ROM (Compact Disc-Read Only Memory)?". Web. 19 Dec. 2015.

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