Wednesday 9 December 2015

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Quantitative Research

Advantages and disadvantages of Quantitative Research for short films


An advantage of using quantitative research would be that it allows the reader to analyse and measure data. The relationship between the independent and dependent variable is studied in detail. This is a good advantage as it shows the researcher that they are more objective about the valued findings of research. This can be crucial information when coming to the creating of the short film in the mix. 

Another advantage of using quantitative research would be that it can be used to test hypotheses in experiments due to its ability to measure data using statistics. This is important when coming towards the creation of your short film. By having the use of being able to measure data using statistics, this could potentially save time when it comes down to producing the short film. 

On top of that another advantage would be that it can expand the overall rate of amount of results at which are being produced due to the greater amount of results. This is advantageous when it comes to the importance of the productivity of the short film production. Being able to receive a vast amount of data allows the company to be able to speed up the process of the creation towards the short film.


One disadvantage of using quantitative research would be that because it is all based on figures, its no always reliable due to it not being up-to-date. It's usually in constant need of updating because the numbers can change. This is important to take into mind when creating a short film due to the information at which you could have collected could be faulty, not useful anymore. This can cause problems when designing and or producing any short film. 

Another disadvantage of using quantitative research would be that the context of the study or experiment is ignored. With quantitative research the information at which is collected is not in a natural setting. Also doesn't discuss the properties between different people which is gathered unlike with qualitative research. This is important when it comes to creating a short film. This would be due to being able to access the data at which a company is looking for to help produce the short film.

Another disadvantage of quantitative research would be that a large sample of the population must be studied. This is because the larger the amount of people who are researched means the greater the statistically accurate the results will be. This is important to take in to mind due to it being time consuming and could potentially cause the company to spend more time on hunting for information rather than taking the more important piece to mind such as the short film. This could cause the short film to be delayed and therefore not be recognised sooner.  

In conclusion I think that quantitative research is a valid way of getting research. Although there are many disadvantages of using it there are also many advantages. I saw this as a good way to collect information as you can collect the information through statistics, graphs etc. 

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