Wednesday 16 December 2015

Types of Research: Qualitative Research (Responses to News Coverage)

What is News Coverage?

- This is where 'News' is informing the world about current events which are taking place around the globe. Journalists tend to deliver news through a vast range of media, relying on word of mouth, printing, broadcasts, electronic communication and postal systems. Whether the worthiness is characterised as a subject acquiring adequate significance to general society or a special audience to warrant press attention which can also be known as 'coverage'.

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Image result for news coverage
Several countries with few focuses in overall history, what the news media and the public have deemed as worthy news. The purpose for News is to allow the public the information in which they need to know to live the day to day basis. With certain information being out there it provides knowledge to keep everyone up to date with the current events which are occurring globally.

The reason for responding to news coverage is there as a method for individuals which communicate their opinions to the publishers of the newspapers or makers of the news shows when it is released. The overall reaction can either be an expressive conclusion involving the matter or an expert who differs because of the expertise field in which they work in they may disagree with the news or the way in which it is being portrayed. Responses to news coverage are critical as it demonstrates that not all news coverage is valid to the point that not all discoveries out there are 100% accurate/ valid.

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Mr. Media Training

According to Mr.MediaTraining there are seven ways in responding to a negative news story;

1. Take it to a neutral party
2. Talk to the reporter
3. Write a response
4. Speak to the editor
5. Respond with statements only
6. Cut off all access
7. Use online and social media
("Seven Ways To Respond To A Negative News Story | Mr. Media Training".)


"Seven Ways To Respond To A Negative News Story | Mr. Media Training". N.p., 2017. Web. 16 Dec. 2015.

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