Saturday 12 December 2015

Types of Research: Quantitative Research (Hits on a Website)

What are Hits on a Website?

- This is where each time a visitor views a page such as YouTube which is a video, if it is watched then the view count at the bottom goes up regardless of the amount of hits in which are being generated.

What is the purpose of Hits on a Website?

- The purpose behind generating hits within a website is clearly to show popularity rates an example would be;

Gift - (9,836,795 views) 
from the 9 million views you can clearly see the popularity of this short film compared to another;

One by One - (262,105 views)
With One by One having only 262,105 views you can tell this is popular in a sense but when comparing it to Gift it wouldn't stand a chance within a mass market. 

"Hits Or Pageviews? | Opentracker Analytics". N.p., 2016. Web. 12 Dec. 2015. (Gift) (One by One)

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