Tuesday 8 December 2015

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Qualitative Research

Advantages and disadvantages of Qualitative Research for short films


One advantage of qualitative research is that it measures detailed responses. This is important when researching a topic for a short film because you can have face-to-face interviews with the public. This would allow you to analyse behaviour when asking the directed questions to find out the supported views on your short film. This shares audience biases and can make the director see them and where fit change to make it more applicable for the audience.

Another advantage of using qualitative research would be to get new responses. This is important when studying short films in the mix because it allows you to get up-to-date reviews within the public. This would allow the researcher to be able to see the up-to-date reviews and see where necessary to fit the changes. This also shows the effectiveness of qualitative research when it comes to collecting the information at which is needed. 

On top of that another advantage of using qualitative research would be that you can build new theories. This is important for future short films because it could potentially save time for the future short films to come. This would allow less time to be spent on acquiring data for the future short films. Therefore the company in itself would have more time to put together the creation of new future short films. This allows the company to be ahead of competitors in the same short film business.


One disadvantage of qualitative research would be that it is time consuming. Time is important when it comes to producing a short film. If the researcher is spending to much time gathering information it then leaves them with less time to produce the short film. This would be a disadvantage when it comes to competitors getting their short films out first. Therefore this could potentially cause the short film to get less viewers and not to be as noticeable as the rest. 

Another disadvantage of qualitative research is that it can be labour intensive meaning it will be expensive. Money is important when it comes down to creating a short film. This can cause difficulties in the film making if the researcher is spending too much money on the creation of surveys and other forms of sheets for collecting information. This can cause problems due to there not being enough funds to cover the cost of the creation of the film. This therefore means that there potentially could be not enough funds to even make the film, meaning there is not going to be a film and all the money spent on collecting information would have been a waste. 

On top of that another disadvantage of using qualitative research would be that the location could affect or influence the response of the subjects. This would cause problems for the short film company due to receiving faulty information. Therefore the business would have spent money on producing the surveys and questionnaires to then just get nothing in return. Therefore the business would have not profited at all, from all the time which was spent trying to gather information. 

In conclusion, I can see that qualitative research is a very good way of gathering information that is needed easily but can be time consuming. Also I can see the negatives of using qualitative research as shown above with all the disadvantages. The main disadvantage which could lead to gathering faulty information would be that some subjects may be affected and or influenced by the surroundings, so in addition the location needs to be thought about before taking action for receiving information. 

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