Sunday 20 December 2015

Methods and Sources of Research: Primary Research (Audience Panels)

Audience panels:

Image result for audience panels

What is an Audience Panel?

- An audience panel discussion example could be a TV focus group this is where a group of viewers are assembled to give feedback to certain producers on a certain show. 

What is it's purpose?
- The point of audience panels is to allow a group of people to give feedback to the producers of a TV show for them to be able to take the advice and choose whether to improve on it.
- For short film researchers they can benefit from this as audience panels can represent different groups of viewers, this would therefore potentially enable the producers and writers to gain a realistic insight of the viewer's personal opinions around the topic of short films or a certain short film in which would be discussed. 


"Panel Discussion Dictionary Definition | Panel Discussion Defined". Web. 20 Dec. 2015.

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