Sunday 27 December 2015

Purposes of Research: (Audience Research)

Audience Research:
Audience Data:

- Producers capture audience data to help them improve their products and create successful marketing. This is applicable because it can relate to short films due to audience data showing ratings. An advantage of this would be that it is relevant to short films due to it being able to be used as a marketing tool to sell products, as well as help developing short film ideas. A disadvantage of this would be that the data could be old, meaning that the data which was collected could have no use for the present time.

Audience Profiling:

- Audience profiling simply helps in the way of spending your time and money for the greatest return of investment. It gives marketers the general opportunity to be able to make more marketing choices to ensure that you are searching/ looking in the most profitable area. 
- Short film creators can use this to be able to identify their target audience's lifestyles. Audience profiles can generally be useful for researchers as it simply enables them the opportunity to gain a clearer and more developed view of what actually appeals to their target audience. 
This can be based on:
- Race
- Age
- Gender
- Income
- Sexuality
- Education
- Occupation
- Interests
- Frequent Purchases etc.

- An advantage of using audience profiling would simply be due to the fact that short film producers are able to find out specific and relevant information on lifestyle characteristics towards their target audience, this generally enables them to be more effective in their creativity department for short films to be more appealing for their target audience. 


- Demographics are the study in view of the qualities, characteristics of a certain individual. These are potentially critical in terms of audience research as they show clearer proof, ID of consumer markets. Demonstrating the developing populace inside businesses and different organisations however to this demographics are marginally distinctive. 

- Short film creators will use the characteristics of their target audience for the ability to market any new products in which they would like to introduce. An advantage of demographics would simply be that short film producers would be able to create short films that are meeting the needs of their target audience. However, there are disadvantages to this and one would be that the research would only be based on a certain group of individuals who share mutual/ similar interests. 

"The Definition Of Demographics". Web. 27 Dec. 2015.

- This is a type of study which tends to be utilised as a form/ part of a business, social research as well as policy making geo-demographics a solid part in the decision area of audience research. Geo-demographics has some sharing qualities with demographics however slightly contrasts also. Geo-demographics are mainly focused towards human commonality this regards to space and area/ location and not in general.
- Short film researchers would use geo-demographics to practically base their target audiences characteristics, however this would only be locally. Geo-demographics would focus on the location side of 'demographics'. An advantage of using this would be that researchers would be able to focus their research on a specific area. However a disadvantage of using this would be that the results would only be able to be based on certain individuals who were based in one location, it wouldn't generally apply to people in other locations.

"Geodemography". Web. 27 Dec. 2015.
Consumer Behaviour:
- Consumer behaviour is the investigation of individual clients, gatherings or associations select, purchase and utilise or dispose thoughts, merchandise, and services to be able to fulfil their requirements and selected needs. This is alluded to the activities in which the consumers in the marketplace and the hidden thought processes within those specific activities. 
-  Short film researchers study individuals and or groups in their specific target audience in the order in which to identify sort of short films which they watch and show an interest towards. This could be a potential advantage as the overall consumer needs and interests are potentially more likely to be met when interests in which they take into account are being advertised to them. A potential advantage to studying consumer behaviour would be that the researches would then be able to easily identify the interests and qualities in which their target audience is looking for, whereas a disadvantage would be that it wouldn't specify to their overall exact interests. 

"Consumer Behaviour". Web. 27 Dec. 2015.
Consumer Attitudes:
- Preferences and distastes, these are the feelings of consumers. At the point of when the individual is gathering a sense of feeling around an item, service, entity, person, place or think, it has been said that to be a summed up customer state of mind that it could influence the marketing of that individual, item or even entity in positive or negative ways. 
- Consumer attitudes generally are often measured by researchers when trying to figure/ find out how they react to things, including their beliefs, views and even behaviour towards short films, or a film in general. This could potentially be seen as an advantage as the researches would be able to gather a clear and pristine view of the responses they receive towards their products, this therefore results in them obtaining results quickly and opinionated answers received. 

"Consumer Attitudes: Definition & Changes - Video & Lesson Transcript | Study.Com". Web. 27 Dec. 2015.
Audience Awareness:

- Audience awareness is having the understanding and information relevant to your audience, whether readers or listeners. 
- Researchers would be able to use online forums or even internet survey to find certain information in which whether their target audience have viewed or shown any interest in a particular short film, this will also help with discovering how many people are showing interest. In order to create a higher understanding of their audiences researches may take further action and put advertisements on their short films within the websites or even include YouTube trailers to their short films to gather information on how many people are actually viewing. Researchers would then be able to test the consumer's ability in recalling their short film without having to name it through asking open questions about a specific short film production.
- An advantage to using these methods would be that it would be great for researchers to be able to find out those certain opinionated responses about the audience's knowledge and thoughts towards their short film, as well as being able to gather the statistical data.
- However, a disadvantage to this would be that a part of the audience may not want to be included within the participation of any online surveys or even want to view any advertisements. 

"Audience Awareness: When And How Does It Develop?". Web. 27 Dec. 2015.