Sunday 13 December 2015

Types of Research: Quantitative Research (Box Office Figures)

What are Box Office Figures?

- BOF are cumulative meaning they reflect the overall amount of money in which is grossed by a movie up to a certain date within the specified territory.
- Some movies may also include partial weekend grosses which display the amount of money which is collected during that particular weekend. However, weekend grosses are not cumulative: each weekend gross amount therefore doesn't include the money which was collect from the previous weekend. 
- The date of "final" suggests the overall box office gross which is the total amount of money which was collected during the film's whole release period. 

Three short films:

- America! - Director: Jonathan P. Ritter

- Haunted Castle - Director: Ben Stassen
- CyberWorld - Director: Colin Davies

Box office figures:

- $14.4m (America!)

- $13.7m (Haunted Castle)
- $11.2m (CyberWorld)


America! - 5.7/10 (18 votes)

Haunted Castle - 5.2/10 (421 votes)
CyberWorld - 6.6/10 (365 votes)


The use of quantitative research has enabled me to collect the information at which I had needed. I located three short films by using a search scholar I managed to find the name and the box office figures of the short films. I also came across the ratings of each film which allowed me to notice that many of the short films which had less box office figures were rated higher than short films with more box office figures. This has enabled me to get a clear understanding of different short films within the short film industry. I gained the knowledge due to being able to see the amount of votes at which have been voted to rate the short film is unreliable due to the number of votes being significantly different between all three short films. For example 421 votes were on Haunted Castle and only 18 votes were placed on America! This shows that because of there being hardly any votes on America! the rating isn't very accurate.


"What's The Meaning Of The Date Next To Box Office Figures?". IMDb. N.p., 2017. Web. 13 Jan. 2017.

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