Sunday 13 December 2015

Types of Research: Qualitative Research (Film Reviews)

Image result for film reviews

What is a film review?

- A film review is something in which a certain individual will need permission to post on a certain website, if they are granted the permission which is required they will then be able to rate the film out of 5. (1 star being the lowest rating and 5 stars being the highest rating in which you can give on the quality of the film).
- The person who is rating the film will then have to explain the overall plot and give a summary for the whole film. Film reviews are very useful when creators of a movie are looking for feedback and any drawbacks to any part of the film they can take into account. Therefore comments can now be discussed on and what needs to be improved in the making of the overall film. Therefore it's purpose is to communicate with each other to then form a sheet of feedback to improve anything which could have been done differently. 

Here would be an example of feedback on a movie:
Image result for film reviews

Hotel Chevalier (2007) Director: Wes Anderson

Image result for hotel chevalier

Good Review: 

will Y. binks 2 years ago 

SO solid, intercuts perfectly with his short story ending he talks about in 'Darjeeling Limited'. I love his use of slow motion only once in his films too and dolly movement. This to me is what a short film should be, a SCENE, not trying to have a full story structure in 10 min. Whenever I see big directors shoot shorts they're usually like this, a scene as if its from a full length. That way they're more simple and leave you wanting more, also have a lot more attention to detail. 

Bad Review:

andris damburs 
"When it was all done, I didn't want to incorporate the short into the movie. But I couldn't decide how I wanted it to go. I wanted to play the short in front of the movie, but not always. Sometimes I preferred to watch the movie without the short. It became a puzzle to me. So in the end I decided that I would like to have the movie open in America without the short, but I would like people to have access to it if they want to see it first."
Wes Anderson, 2007 (


The use of qualitative research enabled me to find and collect the reviews at which I was needed to collect. The reviews inform that there are people who have there own bias opinion, such as some enjoy shorts and some don't. This allows the different orientations between films, and because the public don't favour over one sort of film type, it means that not one film business will run out of customers. Also these reviews were from a year or two ago this shows us as the reader that these aren't recent reviews which means that these wouldn't be the most up-to-date reviews. In my opinion I believe these reviews share enough detail to analyse the good and bad relevant information needed on the short.

1 comment:

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