Tuesday 15 December 2015

Types of Research: Qualitative Research (Game Reviews)

What are Game Reviews?

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- Game reviews are relatively similar to film reviews in the way that the producer of a game is being given feedback on the way the game works or if anything wrong is to happen such as glitches etc.
- Game reviews are where the game is played by you and then you can make notes and they are taken during main parts of the game.

Within the review it will consist of a written comment consisting of maybe 3 or 4 sentences which will catch the readers attention, but not give the overall game away. Other important parts of a gaming review consist of making sure that you are defining features which are disliked and the things which are liked. You also need to ensure that within the review you are including graphics and music, cinematic, the content of the actual game and even the story line. Even a clip of the certain game play itself will allow the audience to have a quick brief into some aspects of the game before release. 

The purpose of Game Reviews is to see what other people think about a certain 'game' product in which you may want to buy but want to check people's opinions beforehand. Black Ops III which is a worldwide action game which was developed by Treyarch. Here are a few reviews from Metacritic:

Nov 5, 2015
Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 is absolutely stuffed to the brim with content on all fronts, and nearly none of it feels like filler.

Nov 6, 2015

I can say this is the best call of duty game ever made. don't doubt on buying this. great story missed with awesome and fun zombies and multiplayer. and new modes such as nightmare and free run and with the modding tools coming next year it will be even better.

Feb 18, 2016

Gameplay : 7
Graphics : 7
Story : 8
Sound : 8
Overall : 7


"Metacritic - Movie Reviews, TV Reviews, Game Reviews, And Music Reviews". Metacritic.com. N.p., 2017. Web. 15 Dec. 2015.

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