Sunday 3 January 2016

Methods and Sources of Research: Primary Research (Data Gathering Agencies)

Data Gathering Agencies

What are data gathering agencies?

- Data gathering agencies are essentially there to gather data and then store it in data banks as such that are are available for then the public to use them. For example TV ratings and viewership.

Some examples of data gathering agencies;

- BARB (Broadcasters Audience Research Board)

- RAJAR (Radio Joint Audience Research)

What was the most successful TV show this week?

- Most popular for 3rd of January was Sherlock Holmes with 11,643 views.

What could be the reason for this?

- Due to 3rd of January being a weekend, this could potentially be the cause in the rise of views in films and shows. Also the time at which the show was scheduled could effect the amount of views the show had got. For example; if the show was at 5 pm a larger based amount of viewers could watch compared to it being at 6 am where not many people would be awake. This could be the reason for the huge increase in television views, or perhaps a media spectacle were to happen where a bunch of people were to communicate and all plan to watch Sherlock Holmes together. An example of recent media spectacles was the passing of David Bowie, where everyone had found out quickly through the use of newspapers and media ( TV,internet).

How do short films have to be more creative when using data?

Short films are rarely commissioned by national networks and are scheduled infrequently. Therefore, it is tricky to capture the data of audience consumption. Instead of using institutions such as BARB they may use YouTube hits and shares to understands its success in a more creative way. They may also use the following; Facebook likes, bloggers, forum and film institutions, to show the successes. 

Why might Short Film Directors be interested in RAJAR data? 

- With RAJAR data its based around radio statistics. With short film producers having this data they have the knowledge of what some main radio stations play, and how many people could be tuning into the radio station, this then allows them to have a potential idea into what they may leave as a music track for their short films. This then could potentially attract some audiences into their short film due to the sound track. Also short film producers may take interest into the adverts at which radio stations are advertising, this potentially gives them ideas into what they could put in their short films. Also gives producers information on any interviews on the radio, and how many people listen. This could then help with information leading to the production of the producers short films.


09SC1,. "Data Gathering Agencies". Web. 20 Dec. 2015.

"BARB | Broadcasters Audience Research Board". Web. 3 Jan. 2016.

"RAJAR". Web. 3 Jan. 2016.

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